The official opening of the section of Great Taste Trail between Wakefield and Hoult Valley Road went off without a hitch yesterday, even the weather was on our side. The showers held off long enough for all those gathered to ride the new trail and enjoy the refreshments at the Hoult Valley Road end. The Trust would like to thank Mayor Richard Kempthorne, the Associate Minister for Tourism, Hon. Peeni Henare, Hon. Nick Smith and Hon. Damien O'Connor for attending the event and for their continued support of the Trust and the Trail.
The Trust would also like to thank all the businesses who provided refreshments at Hoult Valley Road The Coffee Guy, The Bakery at Wakefield, Cafe Rhubarbe, The Villa and Sweetbites Wakefield for their exceptional cake.
Thanks also to everyone who turned up to ride the new trail, we hope you enjoyed the event.